Don’t Get Discouraged 2.0


     Don’t get discouraged 2.0 is a updated version of my original post “Don’t Get Discouraged,” located on my Tumblr (go check that out). Since then from my original post a lot has changed since then. There has been a lot of growth emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially and with the progress that has been made I still have a long way to go. My journey has been a step by step process and focusing on one thing at a time. I’ve sacrificed continuing my education to focus on being a great my to my daughter and also making sure my path will go in the right direction career wise. Having my daughter allowed me to do some soul searching and taking the time to figure me out. I remember saying I felt having my daughter slowed me down but she has become my ignition to get the ball rolling and making things happen. I’m a firm believer in timing, things will happen when it’s suppose to but that doesn’t mean I’m sitting back twiddling my thumbs. I’m still working hard focusing on my goals and creating more opportunities for myself in the mean time.

      I find it interesting when i look through social media I see numerous people just excelling at life, and 80% of me love see positivity and success but it’s always that remaining 20% that just wish I was succeeding just as much. Just because you see someone else shining does not mean your light is dim. You may not know what that other person have went through to get to where they are. We have to stop comparing ourselves and feel that we always have to be in competition with the next person just so we can feel good about ourselves. I am here to tell you that you are in no way shape of form you are inadequate, and definitely not a failure. Some may have to work a little bit harder than others but we all have one common goal and that’s succeeding in life and creating a legacy that we can be proud of. Through my journey there are three words that help me get through my day to day and that’s determination, perseverance, and faith. My daughter is my motivation to help me stay determined to accomplish my goals no matter what. Being that I have something to prove to her and let her know she too can and will be successful makes me continue to persevere through my daily struggles and remind me of my goals. Over the course of the time my faith has gotten a lot more stronger. I believe that my season is coming upon me and I will have my time to flourish but in the meantime I will continue count my blessing, be thankful for how far I’ve come and the excitement that is ahead of me. I’m simply here to share with you don’t get discouraged get determined, get focus, and know that in due time your season will come.

        Now don’t get me wrong we can often get distracted by our insecurities and negativity which can lead to lack of motivation, negative vibes and making you feel like the best thing to do is give up. I’ve been apart of that spiral downward path of negativity and I was able to turn that around before I got any further. With determination, perseverance and faith it allowed me to fight those negative thoughts and feelings and allowed me to focus on the positive things in life. As I stated before TIMING is key to our lives. What we want to happen in life will happen on its own time NOT when you want it. If we have control of the timings in our lives we would all be happy as hell, but it doesn’t work like that. Whether it’s about your career, your relationship(s), or being that you haven’t found that one yet, you will get what you need in due time. It’s interesting that when we receive things in life we will automatically retract back to our wants forgetting that it was because we needed it. When going through our low moments in life it’s up to us to want to rise up and push through. We have to begin to speak positivity into existence and work towards positive things and with timing we are going to get blessed with things we have been hoping for. You are not alone in your journey. There have been thousands of people who’ve been in our shoes so this is nothing new. Stay determined, persevere through those low moments and whether you want to call it courage or faith, believe that you will overcome your situation(s). For those who aren’t were they want to be in their life, feeling like they’re stuck or just being impatient I challenge you to become patient and wait for your time to come, work on yourself and focus on things that is most important. Take control and center yourself. Redemption is key, redeem yourself and let go of the person you once were and embrace the new you who is going to break through and accomplish so much in life whether it’s big or small.

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